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Holistic Therapies

Embark on a journey of well-being with our holistic therapies. Integrating mind, body, and spirit, we promote balance in every treatment. From soothing massages to energy healing sessions, our skilled therapists customize each experience to your needs. Nurture your physical body and inner self with us. Rediscover peace and rejuvenation as you embark on a holistic voyage with us.

Our therapies are considered safe, but like any form of massage therapy, it may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with certain medical conditions or injuries. In this case, please check with your doctor. The hostel disclaims any responsibility for any unwanted side effects.



Shiatsu, originating from Chinese medicine, is a Japanese massage technique using thumb pressure. It’s performed with the receiver fully clothed, lying on a futon or massage table. Shiatsu stimulates and harmonizes body systems through various manipulations such as pressure, rotation, mobilization, stretching, effleurage and percussion. By regulating bodily energies, Shiatsu aids in organ function recovery.

Shiatsu is used as relaxing and therapeutic purposes. It relieves chronic pain, reduces muscle tension and improves circulation. It also helps for stress, anxiety and fatigue.

60 minutes R$240
75 minutes R$280



Reiki is a holistic therapy that originated in Japan in the early 20th century by Mikao Usui Sensei. The word “Reiki” is derived from Japanese words: “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy or vital energy. Thus, Reiki is often translated as “universal life energy.”

Reiki is an energetic technique that harmonizes all layers of the being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Reiki healing relieves physical pain and stress and helps liberating trauma. It brings deep relaxation and well-being. It is practiced with hands on and above the body with the receiver being fully clothed. Reiki treatment can also be received remotely, without loosing its benefits and efficiency.

Our hostel also offers Reiki training at different levels. Know more about it here.

30 minutes R$95
60 minutes R$170

TNC (1)


The neuro-cutaneous technique (NCT) is a new holistic French practice, drawing inspiration from biokinergy, fasciatherapy, and osteopathy. Incorporating the most effective corrective gestures from these techniques, NCT delivers efficient and swift results through soft, precise motions. These actions target deep and persistent tensions within the fascias. Like Shiatsu, NCT has its roots in Chinese medicine, operating on energetic levels. It’s a non-intrusive technique, with the recipient fully clothed.

60 minutes R$200


Thai reflexology, a foot massage technique, extends to shoulders, back, arms, and hands. Utilizing pressure with a small wooden stick and thumbs, it stimulates various reflex points across the body. This relieves stress, anxiety, fatigue, pain, congestion, inflammation, etc., while re-harmonizing energetic fluxes for deep recovery. Minimal oil is used. The 90-minute session includes a brief massage for the back, neck, shoulders, forearms, and calves.

60 minutes R$240
90 minutes R$320

Do you want to deepen your personal development?

Step into a world of self-exploration through our diverse range of courses and workshops. Express yourself through art therapy, tapping into your creativity to navigate emotions. Discover the ancient healing techniques of Reiki, fostering harmony between mind, body, and spirit. Immerse yourself in the serene practice of crafting japamalas, finding peace in the gentle rhythm of beadwork.

Each workshop serves as a gateway to your innermost self, guiding you on a path of self-awareness and empowerment. Join us as we navigate the avenues of personal growth, inviting you to take the next step in your transformative journey.

Discover more about the bennefits holistic therapies

Meet our skilled therapist Tylda.

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